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Lexy Cole: Looks like a great Alphas site with potential, just not sure where everyone has disappeared off to... Last new member signing up (before me) was in Feb. & the last time the admin was online was Jan?... hmm... Hopefully the members come back around...
Jul 9, 2014 6:15:51 GMT
Edolie Holcombe: Yeah, sorry. I got discouraged, but having some new interest and reignited that flame!
Jul 15, 2014 18:51:48 GMT
Lexy Cole: YAY! I'm working on recruits so hopefully we'll have some more writers joining us soon.
Jul 17, 2014 5:33:47 GMT
Kira Monroe: Just signed up today. I got informed of the website through after someone reviewed me about it.
Jul 18, 2014 3:25:15 GMT
Lexy Cole: Welcome! I'm so glad to see you brought Kira over. At the moment I have to head to work but either De or I can go over her application to make sure it's all in order asap. Again, Welcome and so glad that you joined us.
Jul 18, 2014 18:19:10 GMT
Kira Monroe: I'm glad to be here, I'm starting to love this site and my love for Alphas has been rediscovered. I spent most of today watching everything over again on Netflix.
Jul 18, 2014 23:06:45 GMT
Lexy Cole: I swear... if my computer doesn't stop shutting down on me every time I go to work on Lexy's Bio, it's gonna drive me crazy....
Jul 21, 2014 4:25:41 GMT
Edolie Holcombe: Is the board jumping upward a little bit when the news section changes for anyone else?
Jul 31, 2014 18:41:17 GMT
De: Hey everyone, I've been trying to make sure that we have everything that we need. If you think of a board that seems like it should be there, please do let me know.
Aug 1, 2014 16:49:10 GMT
Roslin Holcombe: Right now, I am eating the best grapes that I have ever had. Who knew grapes could be so amazing? Someone did.
Aug 5, 2014 22:58:20 GMT
De: Been finding more time to get on, so I'm hoping to revive Alphas: Revolution.
Dec 9, 2014 20:16:40 GMT